New System Processing Tutorial

Posted on March 20th, 2020 at 9:00 AM

As spring draws near, it is time for the Jefferson Educational Society to partake in some spring cleaning at the office.

As we have outgrown our old event management system, we have decided to recreate the way we process event registrations, membership purchases, and donations and will now be using NeonCRM.

These changes are all to help improve your online experience with the Jefferson. While you are still welcome contatct us to for personal assistance with all of your Jefferson needs, you are also able to do the following through NeonCRM:

• Create your own profile to access 24/7
• Track your history of transactions
• Check your membership status
• Register for events
• Make donations
• All without leaving our website!

To check out the step-by-step tutorial of the new system CLICK HERE!