
Publications from the Jefferson Educational Society

The Jefferson Educational Society works hard to publish various books, essays, journals, and reports about a wide range of topics.

Accidental Paradise


By: David Frew and Jerry Skrypzak

While "Accidental Paradise" identifies contemporary threats and concerns, it is essentially a story of hope and promise. Beautiful images, poetry, and wonderful stories percolate from the pages, as the prose traces a legacy of history and details the partners who have grown with the park: Waldameer, Erie Water Works, Algeria Farms, Sarah's, the Coast Guard, and more.  

Enjoy the book, then go to Presque Isle.  Wander beaches, roadways, and trails.  Visit TREC and attend programs.  Feel the wonder as you honor the history.

For more information, including how, where, and when to purchase the book, please visit

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WILLIAM C. SENNETT: A MAN FOR ALL ERAS (June 1, 1930-January 23, 2023) 

By: David Frew 

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Caring for Erie's Economy: Childcare is Economic Development

Posted on July 30th, 2021 at 3:47 PM
Caring for Erie's Economy: Childcare is Economic Development

Caring the Erie's Economy: Childcare is Economic Development

Court Gould, M.P.A / Sustainable Solutions Consultant 

This is a report on childcare and its impact on economic development in Erie, PennsylvaniaWritten by Court Gould, the publication compares the childcare crisis that Covid 19 brought forth, to that of World War II, when the workforce dramatically shifted to accommodate the needs of wartime.
What can Erie do about our childcare crisis? Our economic crisis? Gould poses the question: "What if Erie became the leading American city where childcare is universal?" Childcare is economic development.
Click the link below to read the report!