
Lecturers at the Jefferson Educational Society

Elizabeth Darling

Ms. Elizabeth Darling spent 7 months with the Chinese National Volleyball team in 2014 and helped them win the silver medal in the 2014 World Championships. She was the first Western-trained physical therapist/athletic trainer to work with a Chinese National team for an entire season. She has worked with USA Gymnastics for 13 years, traveling extensively with the national gymnastics team to provide physical therapy and athletic training services. She has been involved in competitions around the globe, including world championships in Hungary, Greece, Azerbaijan, Japan and South Africa and the Pan Am Games in Brazil. In 2008, Ms. Darling was the USA diving team’s physical therapist at the Olympic Games in Beijing. Ms. Darling is a graduate of Marquette University, and completed her doctorate in physical therapy in 2009. She currently heads Keystone Rehabilitation Systems – Erie South in Erie, PA