The Bill of Rights and Civil Liberties: A Primer

May 7th,2018 - May 28th,2018 | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Professor/Instructor/Speaker: Edwin McKean

This series of four discreet lectures will address the historical context of the Bill of Rights and give some insight into their application to contemporary social issues. Attend one or all. Discussion at the conclusion of each lecture will be encouraged.

If you're interested in purchasing the entire course, click on the "register" button below. To purchase tickets for an individual lecture, please call the Jefferson office at 814.459.8000. 

Edwin McKean

Edwin McKean, J.D., a graduate of Allegheny College and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, is a retired practicing attorney. He has lectured and authored course books and materials for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute with respect to Pennsylvania’s mandatory continuing legal education requirements for attorneys and for the Osher Life Long Learning Institute at the University of South Carolina on constitutional and historical topics.