From 2.3 GPA to D.O.C.: Mentors; Mantras; and Hip-Hop

May 23rd,2019 | 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Professor/Instructor/Speaker: Chuck HerringEd.D.

This presentation provides participants the
opportunity to go on a journey with Dr. Herring from
1984 until the present. Along the way, he will share
through anecdotes, quotes, research and song lyrics
the things that he picked up as he traversed along
"the road less traveled" from a barely passing high
school student to a nationally recognized leader in
the field of education.
– Chuck Herring, Ed.D.

Chuck HerringEd.D.

Chuck Herring, Ed.D., is a nationally acclaimed educator, author,
entrepreneur, and speaker, who draws from a wellspring of experience to
engage audiences with humor and nuance. Currently, he is the Kindergarten
– 5th Grade Enrichment Coordinator in the South Fayette School District.
He also volunteers with the Remake Learning Network, the Green Building
Alliance, and Trying Together. Finally, through the hectic pace of his life, he
also finds time to be the best Dr. Herring’s (Christine’s) husband.