As America's Longest War Comes to an End, What does the future hold for Afghanistan?

July 28th,2021 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Professor/Instructor/Speaker: Baher Ghosheh, Ph.D.
President Biden is withdrawing the last remaining troops from Afghanistan by 9/11 of this year. The US having spent 20 years, over $1 trillion and sacrificed thousands of American lives and thousands more injured is leaving Afghanistan to an uncertain future.
Will the current government in Afghanistan survive? Will the gains achieved in education, healthcare, women's rights, and democratization be preserved or will they vanish with the departing foreign troops? Can the Afghan national army prevent the Taliban, Al Qaeda and IS from using the country as a base for operations again?
The program will address these issues and attempt to answer these and other crucial questions associated with the future of Afghanistan.
This event will be live-streamed on our Facebook page and later posted to our Youtube Channel and Website (www.JESerie.org).
Baher Ghosheh, Ph.D.

Dr. Baher Ghosheh, Ph.D., is a scholar-in-residence at the Jefferson Educational Society in Erie, Pennsylvania. An expert in Middle Eastern Studies, he holds a Ph.D. in Economic Development from SUNY-Buffalo and was a Professor of Middle Eastern Studies, cultural and economic Geography at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania until retiring in 2022. He has graduate degrees in International Relations/Middle Eastern Studies, International Trade, and Comparative Economic Development. A native of Jerusalem, Dr. Ghosheh has lived in eight countries, traveled to 59 countries, and has taught in Japan, China, Russia, Italy, and Morocco. He was awarded a Fulbright to conduct research in Malaysia and Singapore and was selected as the Pennsylvania Geographer of the Year and Edinboro University’s Educator of the Year.