Blue Zones: Where are We Now, Where Are We Headed

August 27th,2019 | 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Professor/Instructor/Speaker: Ashley LawsonM.P.A.

The Blue Zones Project story is an introductory speech that serves to engage
and educate individuals in your community about the origins of the Blue
Zones, the Power 9 principles, the Life Radius, and how these lessons
were implemented in the United States through Blue Zones Project. It also
introduces our original Blue Zones Project Demonstration Communities and
includes examples of their successes. Lastly, the speech shares more about
local initiatives and successes from Corry.
– Ashley Lawson, M.P.A.

*This event will be held at Edinboro University's William P. Alexander Music Center on 110 Kiltie Road, Edinboro, PA 16444

Click HERE for Map of Edinboro's Campus!

Ashley LawsonM.P.A.